Guest Centric Hotel Experience: How Technology Solutions Improve Guest Experience

Hotel room automation with siemlus

The hospitality industry is always looking for new and innovative ways to improve the guest experience. In recent years, there has been a trend towards Guest Centric Hotel Experiences.

This means providing guests with innovative applications that make their stay more enjoyable. Today's guests are increasingly demanding, and hotels must provide value in order to attract them. In this article, we will discuss how technology solutions can improve the guest experience.

One way that technology can improve the guest experience is by providing more information. Guests today are used to having access to information at their fingertips. They expect to be able to find out about hotel amenities, services, and even local attractions. By providing this information online, hotels can save guests time and hassle.

Hotel stays have never been more convenient for guests worldwide. In recent years, the number of voice-controlled and streaming services that have proliferated in people's homes has grown to be unprecedented: Netflix, Apple TV, and Amazon Prime for streaming; Alexa, Google Home, and Amazon Echo for voice; and Nest, as well as other smart-home devices. Hotels are catching on, adding convenience through streaming, voice activation, guest-room tablets, and food ordering tech.

Technology solutions are constantly evolving, and there are many more ways that they can be used to improve the guest experience. Getting in front of your guests where they are is essential to providing a great experience, and these days, that means being available on mobile. Travellers are increasingly using mobile technology for everything from planning their trip to booking accommodations, so there are plenty of opportunities for you and your employees to provide a better guest experience through mobile.

Streamline your guest experience services

Nowadays, guests are more independent and they want to get what they need quickly. They also want to be able to have control over their hotel experiences so that it mirrors the comforts of home. As a result, we see mobile technology being integrated into hotels everywhere.

Consumers, on the whole, are becoming more accustomed to self-service and a simplified experience that mobile technologies provide – services such as check-in and out, room service orders and requests, amenity bookings including spa appointments or dinner reservations, the opportunity to view billing information, track expenses, and finish online payments.

Mobile platforms offer an array of self-service solutions that can quicken the guest experience while still delivering expected high quality service.

Increasing your connection with your guest

Messaging and chat services are becoming increasingly popular ways to provide guest service. They are versatile and effective, and allow you to communicate with guests in a place they already feel comfortable - via conversation.

At Siemlus we work with Hoteza at enhancing the guest experience and satisfaction. With their mobile app you can also access messaging chat. More and more guests prefer to write a message or push the button rather than call the Front desk or Concierge service.

The Hoteza application allows your guests to easily get in touch with the hotel staff whether to contact the general manager, report a problem or leave feedback about their stay. All installed by the Siemlus team.

But our service doesn't just stop at mobile, Hoteza is a multilingual interactive guest services application designed for room-based tablets also. Guests do not need to download the application: Hoteza HotPad is installed on the hotel’s tablets and is ready to be used immediately. With one touch, guests can order any service from a taxi and room dinner service to an extra toothbrush and towels.

Make room for personalisation

Mobile devices have the ability to provide excellent customer service. This provides a fantastic opportunity for hotels to personalise the customer experience in order to connect with guests before arrival, during their stay, and after they leave.

Hoteliers have the potential to easily keep track of and aggregate guests stay history and customised preferences while also providing a system that can meet each customer's requirements, create rewards and a unique stay by delivering real-time tailored experiences with integrated cloud solutions.

The personalised service interactions make guests feel special and valued, which leads to increased satisfaction and repeat business.

Make hotel operations easy

Guest satisfaction is a function of how well operational functions are carried out. A cloud-based mobile PMS hotel makes running the operation at a hotel much easier for the hotelier.

Using cloud systems makes it simpler to connect with other platforms for more seamless efficiency through automation. Automating monotonous tasks helps to free up time for staff so they can refocus their efforts on catering to guests.

Mobile devices also allow employees to assign certain duties to specific people and swiftly communicate with other departments simultaneously and instantaneously through linked mobile devices. And, most significantly, mobile freedom allows employees to move about the hotel, directly servicing guests, resulting in increased face-time and improving the overall guest experience.


The hospitality industry is under pressure to offer a guest-centric experience. In order to meet the needs of today’s consumers, who are looking for more value and expecting a higher level of service, hotels must employ innovative technologies that will streamline processes and improve the guest experience.

Technology's expansion into the mobile sphere has had a positive effect on hotel guests' experiences. It not only helps those who Hoteliers manage daily operations but also elevates customer service by providing immediate gratification and personalisation to each individual guest.

Charlie Meek

Interested in integrating technology, design and the real world into creativity and innovation.

Working with leading brands, large and small, driving creative strategy across digital brand implementation. Implementing and supporting brand initiatives, leading creative across video, digital UI/UX interactivity, advertising & photography.

Leading a variety of creative & digital marketing teams to ensure that brand creative and messaging reaches and engages the right audience.


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