Game-Changing Office A/V Trends Everyone Should Know About in 2023

It may appear that technology innovation is in a never-ending race, with its constant progression and regular emergence of new products. You might feel like no matter how hard you try to keep up, it's already too far ahead by the time you make any progress.

The office A/V world is unique in its own right, as it's relatively slow to embrace new innovations due to the high costs associated with transformation. Businesses only desire products that will authentically pay off their investments and bring real value.

Technology innovation never lags behind; instead, it always leads the charge. It's like a marathon – while everyone runs together to reach their goal of finishing the long distance race, in technology, success isn't found in who wins but rather through transformative solutions that help optimise communication and productivity for all individuals.

The A/V industry has made some advancements in the past few years, but we are still a long way from achieving its full potential. In 2023, however, there will be several new trends that everyone should know.

Better Collaboration Tools

The demand for effective collaboration tools is expected to increase significantly in the coming years. With more remote working becoming common, businesses need collaborative solutions that allow teams to stay connected and work efficiently on projects. New technologies such as cloud-based apps and video conferencing solutions will help improve communication between people who are located anywhere in the world.

Traditional audio conferencing solutions are being replaced by smarter, more efficient tools. These will be able to recognise multiple voices and transcribe the conversations automatically into text notes that can be easily shared with colleagues. The AI-powered audio conferencing solutions of 2023 will also have features such as background noise suppression, recording options, and facilitated search functions for reviewing past meetings quickly.

Open Concept Space and Integrated Rooms

Rooms are no longer just for guest, conventions or a dedicated place to meet; they're now becoming integrated into larger experience spaces. This trend is expected to rise in the next few years, enabling people to stay connected while relaxing or working from different locations or even regions.

Open-concept offices have increased in popularity over recent years for good reasons: they are more cost effective (less walls means fewer material and energy costs), promote team collaboration, provide employee access to information, and allow adaptability with technological solutions.

Open areas are rich with A/V potential. Transform large open spaces into zones for your guest or employees—maybe even adding a presentation corner with lounge furniture and coffee tables to create a relaxed, but professional atmosphere. Digital signage in waiting lobbies will give guests an inviting impression of your business, displaying company events or playing soothing music. For the ultimate convenience, consider mobile displays so you can create engagement anywhere.

IoT Integration

IoT (Internet of Things) technology is becoming increasingly popular and is being used to build smart office environments with connected devices that can automate processes and simplify tasks. In 2023, the use of IoT in A/V systems will become more widespread, as it offers a way to monitor and control various elements like audio and video systems remotely.

Multi-Touch Screens

Touchscreens are becoming an increasingly popular choice for interactive displays in hotels and commercial offices, especially due to their convenience and intuitive user interface. In 2023, these screens are predicted to become even more powerful with the emergence of multi-touch capabilities which will enable users to interact with multiple touch points at once.

The evolution of display technology is making it possible for properties to create immersive environments for guest experience, meetings or presentations. In 2023, we expect large displays that offer a more realistic and engaging experience, with higher resolution and wider viewing angles.

Augmented Reality

The rise of Augmented Reality (AR) will be an exciting development for hospitality A/V systems in 2023. This technology offers a unique way to present information interactively and engage guests with immersive visuals. AR is expected to become increasingly prevalent in hotel receptions, guest rooms or business meeting rooms, allowing for more creative forms of collaboration.

Voice Control, Acoustical Designs & Sound Masking

Finally, the potential of voice control is beginning to be fully realised in A/V systems. In 2023, expect smarter A/V set-ups that respond naturally to spoken commands and allow users to easily adjust audio or video settings without them having to manually fiddle with multiple buttons and switches.

As companies continue to evolve, they are taking steps to ensure guest comfort and work productivity by managing all variables that may contribute to noise-induced stress. Scientific research over the years has exhibited a clear correlation between excessive sound levels and diminished performance or guest engagement.

To combat this issue and further reduce distractions, sound masking was created - it filters out conversations from far away by tuning background noise specifically to human speech so they become harder to understand.

What the future holds

Overall, the A/V industry is expected to make some significant advances in 2023, with businesses benefiting from a range of innovative technologies that will help them run their operations more conveniently and efficiently. From mission-critical collaboration tools to immersive displays and voice control systems, these trends are sure to revolutionise the way office A/V systems are used.

But regardless of which A/V technology you choose, they will all require proper installation, set up, and maintenance—so it’s important to have experienced professionals on hand to do the job correctly. With the right team and equipment in place, your business can take advantage of these exciting new opportunities and stay ahead of the curve.

Charlie Meek

Interested in integrating technology, design and the real world into creativity and innovation.

Working with leading brands, large and small, driving creative strategy across digital brand implementation. Implementing and supporting brand initiatives, leading creative across video, digital UI/UX interactivity, advertising & photography.

Leading a variety of creative & digital marketing teams to ensure that brand creative and messaging reaches and engages the right audience.


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